A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral. - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry - The Little Prince
519.288.0180 info@stellarlandscapes.ca
Concept through
Retaining Walls
Water Features
Fire Features
Wood Work
Stone Features

Lora Bay design, Thornbury, ON.
Rosedale Plan, Toronto, ON
Perspective Plan, Guelph, ON
The aim of Stellar Landscapes is to make "good places", create valuable functions, allow natural forms to surround, celebrate the clash of wind and water, water and rock, hot and cold, sun and rain. Through analysis, practical input reveals practical output: this should characterize the landscape. A feast for the viewer.
Landscape design should reflect the viewpoints of colour, harmony, composition, proportion, conversation value, ornament, symbolism, social value, narrative and mythology in a layered approach which remarkably fits into the capabilities of computer generated design.
A landscape must be to scale both physically and financially, introducing ideas represented by patterns reflecting the intellectual heart of landscape design, planning and installation.
Mother nature is the true architect of the visible world; we are but her students practicing under her awesome power. How does one interrupt nature? By creating sustainable landscapes that evolve over time, whether we repeat historical style set by human precedent or imitate Mother Nature. The principals of proportions should remain steadfast.
Empower the client with knowledge and ingredients nursed by the arts and science.